My friends and I have spent aloot of time reminiscing on freshers year & what we
would’ve done differently, lessons learnt
and all the rest and I thought why not share my first year experience
for all of y’all.
First &
foremost – If you are a girl and you’re going to uni you've gotta beware of
predators loool. As a first year, guys just think you’ll be an easy target or
whatever because your young and “naive”.
Don’t be fooled lol run away.
Flatmates – The
first people you make friends with in university will be your flatmates so it's
definitely important to make a lot of effort with them, especially since you
spend the majority of your freshers week together. I met most of my flatmates
through Facebook and already started speaking before we moved in so we weren't complete strangers when we met.
Also just note that not everyone has been
raised the same way you have, people live completely different lifestyles from
you so if you’re abit of a clean freak you’re gunna have to be more accommodating
because communal areas are shared.
It may help if at the start of the year you try
sit with your flatmates and make some sort of cleaning rota or something
because chances are it will get dirty. Honestly speaking you probably won't
stick to it but it's worth the try.
First term for me was definitely a
struggle because it took a long time for me to adjust to everything, the new
university building ( I got lost a lot lol), the city, my accommodation,
friends , everything. If you’re like me and not a big fan of change then you
might hate uni for the first term, I know I did – I thought of commuting and
moving back home ALOT however thank God I didn’t that would’ve been the worst
mistake. Definitely stick through it, it does get better. It got a lot better
for me in second term when I just started feeling more settled in, got closer
to my group of friends and just felt happier and more independent than before.
I have the craziest group of
friends that I looooooove. Our group dynamic is just soo weird because we’re
all so different but it just works.
< This picture is literally
how we spent most of our nights after our flat parties would flop (security was
the worst) and we’d be left there tipsy and bored searching for a motive haha
I never thought I’d get this
close to a group of people in just a year but you do really make good friends
at university. It’s so funny looking back because when all initially met we
were reserved and polite and soo drawn back now it’s literally the complete
opposite. I’m also quite lucky because I really got on with people on my floor
and in my block so I had the best of both worlds really.
Working - If I could go back I would definitely look
for a permanent part time job during first year. I did have a job in first year
but it was working for the university as an ambassador so I only worked now and
again. I decided not to get a proper job because I just wanted to settle
in and tbh I couldn't really be bothered but having that extra income would've
been good and I actually had the spare time which I wasted doing nothing and
watching series lol.
University Workload - I found the workload we had to do in first
year quite shocking mainly because I was expecting it to be chilled out.
However, doing a-levels worked in my favour because I found exam prep and essay
writing easier. Don’t let your work pile up !!!! January exams came waay too
quickly and I’d realised I really hadn’t been on job. However I turned that around and worked hard coming
up to my exams and actually did really well but decided I wasn't gunna put
myself through that stress for my summer exams.
I know alot of people aren't too
fussed about first year grades because it doesn't count towards your final
grade however if you’re doing a placement year it does count towards that and
also it's always good to do well so definitely put in the work.
& lasty... ENJOY IT! first
year goes sooo quick it's so sad when it's over so definitely enjoy it while it
There’s soo much to look forward
to I really
feel like by end of first year I was definitely so much more
independent. I felt like I was in a better place because I’d learnt how to
manage my own time, money, life basically. Living away from home forced me to
become an adult and not so reliant on my parents which I was guilty of being
prior to uni.
Anyways I hope I haven’t bored
you too much during that post. It turned out triple the length I'd intended lol
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