Monday, 1 September 2014

Slendertox Tea

Slendertox Tea Detox !

Tea detoxes have been really popular this summer and seemed to just come up out of nowhere,  i've always been a little skeptical on whether they actually work or not but i've decided to actually try it out for myself and see how it goes.

Why I chose Slendertox...
There's a LOT of teatoxes out there right now but i decided to go with Slendertox tea mainly for because i liked the fact that i only have to have the day tea tox once a day unlike other teas which required you to have the tea several times a day. You take the sleeptox once every other evening. Also the teatox comes in tea bags already unlike many others that come as a loose leaf. so i mainly chose this brand because it required the least effort on my behalf.

Delivery from this company is free in the UK so that was an extra bonus and my order was shipped first class so arrived really the following morning from when i had purchased it.

I've already been eating reasonably clean and healthy for awhile so I've decided i wont be sticking to their online meal plan as suggested and i'll be working out 4x a week as normal so i'm really excited to see what results i'll get from this! I'm starting this tea tox this morning and will keep you posted on day 7 & at the end of the detox on day 14 :) x


  1. Hey! Just bought it myself. Can`t wait to hear about your experience with the tea. Keep up the good work with your blog.

    - Silje (Norway)

    1. Thanks hun!
      Let me know how you get on with the tea aswel! :)
