Monday, 15 September 2014

Wagamamas Dining Experience

I had Wagamama for dinner tonight and loooooved it. I've been there a few times before but today I decided to try something new and I was really happy with it. 
For those of you that haven't been to Wagamama's before it's a traditional Japanese and Asian inspired  restaurant that offers dining in a casual setting. 

I love the features of this restaurant, the service is always really friendly and quick. They've incorporated Japanese-style seating and the whole feel of the restaurant is quite unique. Anyways that's enough from me, i'll go onto what i enjoyed tonight... 

 pulled pork gyoza - this was delish **

 grilled pork bulgogi wrap

Chilli Squid with shichimi sauce

 Prawn Raisukaree

Teriyaki Chicken Donburi

As you can see alot of eating went on (obviously I had some assistance with that - thanks bae;)) but I really did enjoy everything tonight, I remember my first trip to Wagamama didn't end so well but now I've mastered the art of choosing what's best on the menu. I didn't get to have a desert because by that time i was just too full, but next time i'll eat with caution to make sure there's room to try something from the desert menu. 

Wagamama' have recently added a online recipe book and i'm definitely going to have a try at cooking some dishes from there sometime soon and see how that turns out!


Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Prawn, Avocado & Watermelon Salad

    For the saints                                                                       For the sinners

This super healthy & tasty dish is so quick and easy to make it requires next to zero effort. It's packed full of all that good stuff and is 3 of you're 5 a day if you're counting! The picture on the left was before i decided to go all out and add cheese and dressing just for more flavour as i was feeling peckish but that's completely optional. 

To make this salad I used;
- 1/2 bag of mixed leaves
- Handful of prawns
- 1 whole mini avocado
- 1/3 of watermelon
- Table spoon caesar dressing (optional)
- Table spoon Parmesan cheese (optional)
- Sliced lemon (optional)

Method - 
 I actually baked the prawn and avocado in this salad just because i wanted to try something new. I marinated the prawns with a clove of garlic by grinding the clove and mixing it with the prawns in a small bowl. I also added some a teaspoon of lemon juice into the bowl and left it to soak up all the flavour for about half an hour. However, most frozen prawns are already pre-cooked and only require defrosting which would save you a lot of time if you're in a hurry. 

To bake the avocado i simply cut it up into 4 quadrants and placed it in a baking tray alongside the pre-marinated prawns and left it in the oven for about 15 minutes.  When the prawns and avocado were ready, i just put my salad ingredients all together in my bowl, added the prawns and avocado then i was done!


Monday, 8 September 2014

My First Year At Uni Experience :)

My friends and I have spent aloot of time reminiscing on freshers year & what we would’ve done differently, lessons learnt  and all the rest and I thought why not share my first year experience for all of y’all.

First & foremost – If you are a girl and you’re going to uni you've gotta beware of predators loool. As a first year, guys just think you’ll be an easy target or whatever because your young and “naive”.  Don’t be fooled lol run away.  

                                                             Flatmates  The first people you make friends with in university will be your flatmates so it's definitely important to make a lot of effort with them, especially since you spend the majority of your freshers week together. I met most of my flatmates through Facebook and already started speaking before we moved in so we weren't complete strangers when we met.  
Also just note that not everyone has been raised the same way you have, people live completely different lifestyles from you so if you’re abit of a clean freak you’re gunna have to be more accommodating because communal areas are shared.
It may help if at the start of the year you try sit with your flatmates and make some sort of cleaning rota or something because chances are it will get dirty. Honestly speaking you probably won't stick to it but it's worth the try.
                                      Friends In the first few weeks of uni you meet ALOT of different people from events, on campus, classes and nights out literally everywhere. It’s quite easy to make friends because everyone is looking for a friend lol and everyone is really friendly at the beginning of the year. So I’d just say try to just be friendly towards everyone people to keep your options open. Have friends from different places it really just makes the whole experience a lot better.
First term for me was definitely a struggle because it took a long time for me to adjust to everything, the new university building ( I got lost a lot lol), the city, my accommodation, friends , everything. If you’re like me and not a big fan of change then you might hate uni for the first term, I know I did – I thought of commuting and moving back home ALOT however thank God I didn’t that would’ve been the worst mistake. Definitely stick through it, it does get better. It got a lot better for me in second term when I just started feeling more settled in, got closer to my group of friends and just felt happier and more independent than before.
I have the craziest group of friends that I looooooove. Our group dynamic is just soo weird because we’re all so different but it just works.

< This picture is literally how we spent most of our nights after our flat parties would flop (security was the worst) and we’d be left there tipsy and bored searching for a motive haha

I never thought I’d get this close to a group of people in just a year but you do really make good friends at university. It’s so funny looking back because when all initially met we were reserved and polite and soo drawn back now it’s literally the complete opposite. I’m also quite lucky because I really got on with people on my floor and in my block so I had the best of both worlds really.
Working - If I could go back I would definitely look for a permanent part time job during first year. I did have a job in first year but it was working for the university as an ambassador so I only worked now and again.  I decided not to get a proper job because I just wanted to settle in and tbh I couldn't really be bothered but having that extra income would've been good and I actually had the spare time which I wasted doing nothing and watching series lol.
 University Workload - I found the workload we had to do in first year quite shocking mainly because I was expecting it to be chilled out. However, doing a-levels worked in my favour because I found exam prep and essay writing easier. Don’t let your work pile up !!!! January exams came waay too quickly and I’d realised I really hadn’t been on job.  However I turned that around and worked hard coming up to my exams and actually did really well but decided I wasn't gunna put myself through that stress for my summer exams. 
I know alot of people aren't too fussed about first year grades because it doesn't count towards your final grade however if you’re doing a placement year it does count towards that and also it's always good to do well so definitely put in the work.

Social Life - I definitely made up for term 1 in term 2 and 3 howeverrrr if I could go back I would travel more and do things out of my university city, go to more events ( I was very picky about what events i went to ), go out more - cinema, meals out because looking back I actually had a lot of free time.

& lasty... ENJOY IT! first year goes sooo quick it's so sad when it's over so definitely enjoy it while it lasts.

There’s soo much to look forward to I really feel like by end of first year I was definitely so much more independent. I felt like I was in a better place because I’d learnt how to manage my own time, money, life basically. Living away from home forced me to become an adult and not so reliant on my parents which I was guilty of being prior to uni. 
Anyways I hope I haven’t bored you too much during that post. It turned out triple the length I'd intended lol ;) 

Sunday, 7 September 2014

7Days In-Detox Update !

So I'm half way through my detox now and it's time for an update!

First thing to say is I actually decided against doing the colon cleanse after a lot of research I just found that it wouldn't be necessary for me, almost all doctors don't recommend it as they see it as unnecessary as the colon pretty much cleanses and takes care of itself as long as you eat well. I'd suggest you research into the colon cleanse before you start just so you can make an informed decision.

Okay so the daytox
Taste - I found that the actual tea itself is quite enjoyable, i'd say it tastes like an earthier version of green tea. For the first few days i'd recommend brewing the tea for no more than 3 minutes just so your body can gradually get used to it.  I've tried to have the tea at the same time each morning so that my body gets used to it.

Eating - I've tried my best to eat as clean as possible this last week but honestly i haven't been that great. cravings got the best of me..guilty. I'm definitely going to try harder next week.

Affects - Honestly I'd say the first three days were the hardest as your body is adjusting to the laxative affect. So it's soo important to start it on a weekend or when you have some time to be at home. After Wednesday ( the third day) my body had adjusted to the tea and I started feeling the benefits. I felt lighter and had a lot of energy. My tummy area felt really good as well - no more bloating and just felt better overall. The thing i like most about the tea is that it leaves you feeling so energetic so it encourages you to work out and be active.

Results- At this point I'd say the results have been feeling better and lighter which led to me exercising more as opposed to results in terms of weight loss. I personally didn't go on the teatox to lose weight but i just wanted to see what all the social media hype was all about.
The teatox is advertised as a "weight loss aid" but many people just think it's a quick way to lose weight. I've heard alot about people loosing quite a few pounds on the teatox and i think that may be water weight and the side effects that come from the laxative affect of the tea. I've drank ALOT of water whilst on this detox, one of the main reasons being because i didn't want to fool myself in thinking i'd lost weight when infact it's just water weight that you eventually put on anyways after finishing the detox.

I'm going to continue the daytox for the upcoming week & really try to eat clean and see what the end results are going to be!
If you've tried the tea let me know your results & progress aswel :)

Friday, 5 September 2014

Reggae Reggae Chicken Salad

Chicken salads are pretty much irresistible to me. Here's my recipe for a tasty chicken salad perfect for a light lunch or dinner.
I Used :
- Chicken ( Preferably breast fillets) 
- 1/2 a sachet Reggae reggae jerk bbq marinade 
- 1/2 a sachet So Juicy sticky bbq marinade
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- Salt & Pepper
- Mixed fresh peppers
- Mixed salad greens
- Avacado
- Chickpeas & sweetcorn ( optional ) 
- Grated mature cheese

Marinating the perfect chicken :
 Cut up the chicken breast fillets into any shape or size you prefer. Also cut the peppers into medium- sized pieces. Bring the chicken and the pepper into a bowl ready for marination.
 - Now add one tablespoon of olive oil to the bowl and season with salt and black pepper.
 - Finally, add in the jerk bbq marinade and so sticky marinade and mix together until all the chicken is covered in the seasoning.
I then left my chicken in the fridge for a few hours to let it soak in the flavour.

When it was ready i put it on a baking tray and stuck it in the oven for 30 minutes turning it around half way through.

When the chicken is cooked through just mix your salad ingredients together, add the chicken on top and voila. 

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Salmon & Couscous Salad

Salmon has recently become my faves because it tastes so damn good and is also good for you so that's a double win. I love salmon and couscous salad because its so quick and simple to make and is also filling.
I found this simple recipee online at but had to tweek the recipee a little bit to go with the ingrediants i had available and this was the final result:

Salmon & Couscous Salad 
Calories : 315

Monday, 1 September 2014

Slendertox Tea

Slendertox Tea Detox !

Tea detoxes have been really popular this summer and seemed to just come up out of nowhere,  i've always been a little skeptical on whether they actually work or not but i've decided to actually try it out for myself and see how it goes.

Why I chose Slendertox...
There's a LOT of teatoxes out there right now but i decided to go with Slendertox tea mainly for because i liked the fact that i only have to have the day tea tox once a day unlike other teas which required you to have the tea several times a day. You take the sleeptox once every other evening. Also the teatox comes in tea bags already unlike many others that come as a loose leaf. so i mainly chose this brand because it required the least effort on my behalf.

Delivery from this company is free in the UK so that was an extra bonus and my order was shipped first class so arrived really the following morning from when i had purchased it.

I've already been eating reasonably clean and healthy for awhile so I've decided i wont be sticking to their online meal plan as suggested and i'll be working out 4x a week as normal so i'm really excited to see what results i'll get from this! I'm starting this tea tox this morning and will keep you posted on day 7 & at the end of the detox on day 14 :) x